Please join me in praying for Masauso Siakuba and his family and ministry in Zimbabwe. I am excited about the passion he and his wife have for ministering to other pastors. I hope you will also email him to let him know you are praying!

From Pastor Siakuba:

My name is Masauso Siakuba, am a Baptist Pastor based in Zimbabwe. I am the President of the Baptist Conference of Zimbabwe, a Church I founded in October 2004.I am married and my wife’s name is Sekai Shiri. We have 5 children. In the Baptist Conference of Zimbabwe we have 93 branches in the Zambezi region. Our Church is mainly based in the rural areas which are extremely remote. We chose to minister to such regions because many Churches have not focused to such areas.

I also have a passion for the welfare of the Pastors, I founded a ministry called Ministers Development Network, it’s not a Baptist ministry, it’s a network for equipping the Pastors spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally. Kindly pray for us as we continue to minister in both organizations.

I answered the call to serve as a Pastor and Church planter sometime back in 1999 when I was a young man. During the period of 2017 and 2018 I was involved much in the pastors fellowship programs especially in the rural villages, I discovered that many Pastors in our country had nobody to take care of their social, spiritual, emotional and physical needs though they devoted themselves to serve the Lord. The Church in rural Zimbabwe is actually incapacitated and crippled, it is failing to do even the little for its pastor.

I realized that the situation is the same in many countries I travelled to especially in the Southern and Eastern Africa. The Pastor is like a  slave whom most Churches feel like  must serve without any remuneration. We know being a Pastor is a divine call, the Pastor must not serve and aim to get paid at the end but many people easily forgets that he must live and his family must survive, he has a family and has devoted much of his time to ministry.

It is my conviction that the Pastor must be empowered, I realized that there is a missing puzzle in the life of the Pastor. Some Pastors are forced to do strange things and business for them to fend for their families at the same time keeping the flock of God alive. The Pastors children end up joining crime groups, involves themselves in drug business because their families are going through very tough situations, it’s so pathetic.

I considered coming up with an initiative to bridge the gap, I shared the idea with my wife Sekai Shiri, we devoted ourselves to prayer and as we continued praying for the initiative we later found ourselves, armed with faith alone, visiting an old couple who serve as Pastors with the Church called Saints, we didn’t ask much to know about their welfare because we saw it on our own that they struggled to survive. We prayed with them and my wife gave a word of encouragement, I was excited to realize that she supported every move I took, we blessed them with the little gift of US$30 we had. After some few months they paid us a visit, we fellowshipped and asked them to pray for us, they did and we felt that God was starting something new in our lives.

By early 2019 we started a small group of Pastors in a bid to strengthen, fellowship and share as well as empower each other with the little resources we had. I named the group Ministers Development Network, the group could meet in Pastors homes, encourage members to bring some little gifts to the host whenever we meet. The group grew bigger and spread all in many areas until we took the initiative to some other regions beyond our country, we don’t have much to give though we  are dreaming big for these devoted servants of God. The Ministers Development Network is now in 4 African countries and it is our prayer that we take it to all Southern and East African countries.

The following are our areas of concentration:

1)To empower Pastors despite of their Church affiliation with the knowledge and some basic training in the Bible.

2)To supplement their needs if resources are available.

3)To encourage Pastors to meet and pray for each other and at least carry some little gifts for the hosting Pastor whenever they meet.

4) To give the Pastors life support programs and projects that will enable them to live a normal life during their time of serving and after their retirement.

5)To bring Pastors together annually for conferencing end connection in their countries and regions so that they have the sense of belonging.

The following are my special prayer requests.

1) To have the courage to keep on praying and encouraging my brethren in the Ministers Development Network.

2)To have some today’s Lydias whom God will use to give some courage and support to the Ministers Development Network.

3)To have a special Bible/Theological College that will help to empower Pastors because some Pastors within Ministers Development Network didn’t even get the basic Bible training.

4)To bring some development initiatives in pastors homes that will help to transform their lives.

In His service
Rev Masauso Siakuba
President: Baptist Conference of Zimbabwe
Director: Ministers Development Network 

Pastor’s description of pictures: On some I am with my wife Sekai, the other one I am with her and our last born called Campbell Luther Siakuba, am also with one of my son’s Benedict Makanaka Siakuba on one, also with a friend in black t-shirts, on one am at the open air evangelism. One is for my lovely daughter Faith.