Please join me praying for these urgent needs from Pastor Davis Juma in Kenya. If you like, you can email him at And you can read about his ministry in these previous posts. And take a few minutes to visit his website here.

From Pastor Juma:

Here we continue to praise God for His mercy and love. He is a great God who helps us in all ways.

This week I have been busy helping the displaced families in Budalangi (Busia) to relocate to safer grounds and build makeshift houses. The floods have displaced hundreds of families who are now counting losses. The government seems to be concentrating in urban places like leaving those in the rural areas on their own. They said that no government official has visited them so far.  Most of them are using nylon sacks to make their houses and with no blankets the situation is pathetic. They lack basic needs such as food, blankets, medicines, tents, safe water, mobile toilets, mosquito nets etc. Most men leave early and travel for miles to look for menial work to get something for their families and those who  are lucky return home with a little flour and they use it as one meal in the evening until the following evening. Those unlucky have their children share with their neighbours. We praise God that so far no malaria case has been reported despite sleeping in a mosquito infested place.

In some pictures you can see me barefoot in a blue shirt and black trousers.

The weatherman is warning of more intense rainfall including the cyclone Hidaya.