Please join me in prayer for Norman and Jean Rawlings and On the Way in Love Ministries in Saskatoon, SK, Canada. You may read more about their ministry (started in 2014) on their website: And I hope you’ll email them to let them know you are praying:

From Norman:

We write Christian books. We have 2 published: 1) “On the way: Basic Christian training” a teaching book on many basic topics in Christianity. This book is heavily based on the word with our explanations. 2) “The life changing light of God’s word, a 366-day devotional”. Short devotions, heavily based on the word and again with our explanations. We also put new devotions up on our web site on a regular basis.
In addition, we are also ordained pastors on the pastoral ministry team at our local church, Bridge Ministry International in Saskatoon, SK, Canada.

Prayer requests:

Please pray that we can get out books into as many hands as possible. We believe they will be a blessing to Christians and non-Christians.

Their personal testimonies:

I became a Christian after many years of post-secondary education in a dramatic encounter with God. Jean gave her life to the Lord as a teenager in a youth outreach. We have ministered in local churches, teaching, leading small groups and in pastoral care. We are retired from our first careers. I was a university professor and associate dean and Jean a speech therapist.