Please join us in prayer for Pastor Rhoda Kehongo and Christian Fellowship Church in Kisii, Kenya. The ministry began in 2023. Also consider taking a moment to email her to let her know you are praying: Note: along with pastoring the fellowship, Rhoda takes care of eight orphans whose parents died.

From Pastor Rhoda:

We have small church called christian fellowship church. This is where we meet and gather for worship our God, my church has 32 christians, praying that before the end of this year we will be more…our mission is to overseas the word of God to all nations. “I thank my Almighty God for appointing me to preach his words in different nations.”

Prayer Request

My prayer is to make this ministry more powerful by enough teaching materials more especially Bibles.

As well it is my kind request that you also remember these needy orphans under my care in your daily prayers that God can open them ways for their needs both in physical and spiritual growth.