UPDATE: The survey link has been corrected. If you’ve not yet done the survey and are interested in possibly taking the correspondence course, please go to https://findchristianlinks.com/training-survey.html to complete the survey. If you previously attempted to submit the survey, we did not receive your answers. Please go to https://findchristianlinks.com/training-survey.html and complete again. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

Through the years many of my LinkedIn contacts and pastors who have submitted prayer requests to our prayer blog, PrayForMinistriesAroundTheWorld.blog, have expressed an interest in receiving training. I am happy to announce that Dr. Jimi Zacka is joining the Find Christian Links team to offer free correspondence courses for pastors and church leaders.

If you are interested in participating, please go to https://findchristianlinks.com/training-survey.html and complete the form. We want to learn what topics would be most helpful to you. We will review the submissions and attempt to plan the lessons accordingly. 

We look forward to your thoughts!

About Professor Zacka

Jimi P. Zacka, PhD, is passionate about teaching, research, mentorship and education. Called to create an environment for every man and woman to experience their God given potential through educational and Christian leadership, he is looking forward to training pastors and church leaders through the ministry of Find Christian Links.

Dr. Zacka is currently researching on leadership and theological issues in Africa and beyond and able to work in multicultural settings and environments. Skilled in research, writing, and lecturing, he is professor of biblical theology and cultural anthropology, as well as a graduate in Christian leadership and management (Haggai Institute, Singapore). He taught as
Associate Professor at the Institut Protestant de Théologie in Montpellier (France). He was then
appointed Director of Doctoral Studies at the Protestant University of Brazzaville (Congo
Brazzaville). He was then Vice-Chancellor of Authentic Kingdom University in Kigali (Rwanda)
and today is Director of the Center for Intercultural Research and Studies in Africa.
His research focuses on the challenges facing biblical reading in Africa today.

Professor Zacka resides in Kigali, Rwanda.