Please join me in praying for Pastor Oscar Mwanyanje and Nanenane Christian Temple in Dodoma, Tanzania (founded in 2015). And please take a moment to email him to let him know you are praying:

From Pastor Mwanyanje:

In our ministry we meet 3 times per week and we area about 50 members who attend in church service. Our mission to reach out to the lost souls and this is my calling also we have started kindergarten school around the church .

Also we support those who are in need in the community.

Prayer Requests:

Pray for my ministry growth, pray for extending the church building. God Opening doors for ministry to expand more.
Manifestation of the holy spirit in my ministry and to be guided with him

My calling is wining the lost souls so keep praying for revival in the world.

Pastor Mwanyanje’s personal testimony:

I got saved 2021 and I had calling when I was in university pursuing my degree I had voice telling me to be preaching gospel in the streets also it was so difficult for me to accept