Please continue to pray for missionary/pastor Philip Chaudhary and New Vision Church in Nawalparasi, Nepal. You may read other posts about this ministry here. Please take time to ready the entire post–so much good information. Toward the end he even describes some of the persecution taking place. And I hope you’ll take a moment to email him to let him know you are praying:

Pastor Chaudhary describes the ministry:

Spreading the Word: Our Mission in Printing Tracts, Bible Distribution, Church Planting, and Broadcasting the Jesus Movie

At the heart of our mission lies a profound commitment to sharing the gospel and making a lasting impact on communities around the world. Our efforts encompass several key areas: printing tracts, distributing Bibles, planting churches, and broadcasting the Jesus movie. Each initiative is a crucial part of our overarching goal to spread the message of Christ and foster spiritual growth.

Printing Tracts

Our journey begins with the simple yet powerful act of printing tracts. These small, portable pieces of literature are designed to convey the gospel in a concise and accessible manner. We ensure that our tracts are engaging and easy to understand, making them ideal for sharing with people from all walks of life. Whether handed out on busy street corners or placed in community centers, these tracts serve as seeds of faith, planted in the hearts of those who read them.

Bible Distribution

Access to the Holy Scriptures is a fundamental right that we believe everyone should have. To that end, our Bible distribution program works tirelessly to provide Bibles to individuals and communities who may otherwise not have access to them. We partner with local churches and organizations to ensure that these Bibles reach those who need them most. By putting the Word of God directly into people’s hands, we empower them to explore their faith more deeply and connect with the teachings of Christ.

Church Planting

Establishing new churches is another vital aspect of our mission. Church planting involves more than just erecting a building; it’s about creating a spiritual home where believers can gather, worship, and grow together. We support church planters with resources, training, and guidance, helping them to build strong, sustainable communities of faith. These new churches become centers of spiritual nourishment and community support, playing a crucial role in the spread of the gospel.

Broadcasting the Jesus Movie

In today’s digital age, media is a powerful tool for evangelism. Our broadcasting of the Jesus movie allows us to reach a vast audience, sharing the life and teachings of Christ in a compelling and relatable format. This film has been translated into numerous languages, making it accessible to people around the globe. By broadcasting the Jesus movie, we bring the story of Christ to life, inspiring viewers and igniting a desire to learn more about the Christian faith.


Our mission is driven by a deep passion to share the love and message of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible. Through printing tracts, distributing Bibles, planting churches, and broadcasting the Jesus movie, we are making strides toward a world where the gospel is known and embraced by all. We invite you to join us in this mission, whether through prayer or active participation, as we work together to spread the light of Christ to every corner of the globe.

Prayer Requests

Dear Friends in Christ,

We humbly come before you to seek your prayers and support for our mission. As we work diligently to print tracts, distribute Bibles, plant churches, and broadcast the Jesus movie, we are keenly aware of the spiritual and practical challenges we face. We believe that with your prayers, we can overcome these obstacles and bring the message of Christ to many more souls.

Please pray for:

  1. Guidance and Wisdom: That God will lead us in making the right decisions and provide us with the wisdom to navigate any challenges that come our way.
  2. Resources and Provision: That we will have the necessary resources, including financial support, ink, and paper for our tracts, to continue our work effectively.
  3. Open Hearts: That those who receive our tracts, Bibles, and watch the Jesus movie will have open hearts to receive the message of Christ and be transformed by His love.
  4. Safety and Protection: For our team members and volunteers, especially those working in areas where sharing the gospel may be met with resistance or danger.
  5. Fruitful Church Planting: That the new churches we plant will grow into strong, vibrant communities of faith, providing spiritual nourishment and support to their members.

We are deeply grateful for your prayers and support. Together, we can make a significant impact for the Kingdom of God.

Pastor Chaudhury’s Personal Testimony

My name is Philip Chaudhary, and I am from Nepal. I am a Pastor at Church is New Vision Church. I was born into a devout Hindu family of farmers. My family consists of my father, mother, two sisters, and me, the eldest son. When I was 10 years old, my father went to Qatar to work for a better life and education for us. After he left, our family was attacked by evil spirits and witchcraft. My mother and I were possessed, and I became mentally disturbed. There was no peace at home, and everyone fell ill. No one cared for us, and anyone who tried to help us would also be attacked by the evil spirit.

We sought help everywhere – hospitals, idol worship, sacrifices of goats and hens – but nothing worked. Eventually, a relative shared the gospel with us. We believed in Jesus for deliverance from the evil spirit. Our pastor came, led us to salvation, and we accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Our family was completely delivered from the evil spirit, and we started attending church.

Seeing my potential, my pastor ordained me as a youth leader at the age of 14, and I took baptism. A few years later, I was ordained as a deacon. I completed high school in 2017 and decided to attend Bible college. By God’s grace, I found a good Bible college on scholarship and learned much. Before COVID, I completed my Bachelor in Divinity in 2020 and returned home with a vision to start a healthy church in Nepal.

Upon returning to Nepal, the lockdown began in March 2020. I discussed with my pastor, and he agreed to ordain me as a missionary pastor among the Tharu tribes. I started a church in a new village where I live now. God was good to us, and during the lockdown, while other churches were shut down, we gathered in homes. By the end of the lockdown, we had 20 believers. In 2022, we built a small cottage for the church, and now we have over 30 believers, with 20-25 gathering every week.

I am working among some of the most backward tribes – Tharu, Mushar, and Chamar (rat catchers). Everything was going smoothly until November 2023, when we began to face severe persecution. Bajrang Dal, Shiv Sena, and Hindu Maha Aayog started persecuting us. Many pastors were beaten, and churches were broken down. I was almost beaten during a house fellowship, but the police rescued me from the villagers and kept me at the police station for several days. The persecution has been increasing, and recently, the Home Minister announced a prohibition on tracts distribution, seminars, conferences, and evangelistic meetings.

I am in full-time ministry my church cannot support me but I used to do job. But 2 month back I had small surgery on my tigh so couldn’t go on Job. I lost that Job now I am at home, looking after church.

Despite these challenges, I continue to serve faithfully, trusting in God’s protection and guidance. I have vision to produce gospel tracts and many more literature by ourselves and reach among Nepalese unreached tribes and people.